That’s the title of Anja Förster and Peter Kreuz’ book, which was published in 2007. This book—their first joint publication—managed to inspire me like none have before. Maybe it’s because it was the first coaching or business book that I read, at the ripe age of 25. It’s about being different. Thinking outside the box and doing business differently than the mainstream. This book, and the subsequent books written by the pair, also played a definite role in encouraging me to start my own business in 2012.

Their newsletter is also anything but ordinary, and is the only newsletter I’ve been subscribing to since my beginnings. I curiously await every issue. It gives me the opportunity to think outside the box and to learn with or from them. In 2018, they presented the idea of ​​writing a manual for managers and employees, because how can you expect your colleagues to know the right way of how you are “functioning” if you don’t reflect on it and write it down yourself? I’ve had this idea in mind for a while now, and in July 2019, I turned it into reality. We welcomed a fresh face for summer 2019, and took the opportunity to present our own personal user guide to each other. I’ll keep you updated on how it was received by the team, and I’ll be sharing any AHA moments we’ve had with it.

Something else that was anything but ordinary was how excited I was for my first face-to-face meeting with Peter. I finally had the opportunity to meet him in mid-June 2019 in Vienna as part of the “Rebels at Work” breakfast, an initiative of Austrian Airlines. A room filled with people who want to make a change! The energy in the room was pulsing and contagious. We heard stories that touch and inspire. Each and every story was heartwarming and offered a lesson of its own. It all started with our name tag: instead of just writing our name, we were asked to also write down a question that would be a surefire conversation starter. I am grateful to have met so many like-minded rebels in Vienna through Anja and Peter. Become a “Rebel at Work” yourself! Together we can change the framework of how we work together. If you’d like to get to know some of the participants in person, subscribe for our newsletter and receive regular invitations to our Gastspiel networking events!

Which people, newsletters and blogs inspire you? What would you like to get from our newsletter? Which newsletter should I subscribe to in the future? I’m always looking for new inspiration.