

Diverse. International. Unique.

We go above and beyond for everyone on our guest list. We assess and optimize processes, create a hospitality action plan, supervise events and implement our own projects; all so that we can welcome our guests and customers with that extra bit of warmth and hospitality that can make all the difference.

Since 2012, we have had the pleasure of working with a number of special and unique organizations and companies, both in Austria and internationally. We couldn’t be more proud of our clients and the successes that we have achieved together! Here is an excerpt from our guest list:

Hospitality moments at car dealers

…the new luxury strategy, “The Mercedes-Benz Way.” Based on this analysis, a training program was designed with the goal of imparting insights and training content in a five-day session, each conducted with a group of executives and managers from Mercedes-Benz dealerships. Special emphasis was placed on the practical application of the motto “Service is Luxury,” incorporating in-depth insights and examples from the hospitality and service sectors.

The training was interactive and spanned the entire day. Additionally, the existing training concept for managers was revised and adapted for the education of service personnel with customer interaction. Over a period of three days, approximately 900 individuals were trained through video courses.

Sustainable, regional culinary concept

The Hotel Henriette (formerly The Capri) was a client of Friedreich Hospitality between March 2020 and October 2021. The primary focus and goal was to improve the breakfast experience. The process began with a workshop, during which the status quo of the hotel was analyzed and collectively evaluated with the team. Subsequently, the insights and feedback were assessed and transfered into a concept for the culinary offer, serving as the foundation for all food and beverage options.

To motivate the staff to the fullest and create as much authentic hospitality as possible, their input and ideas were incorporated into our concept and considerations. Additionally, a requirements catalogue for the necessary equipment, a concept for the entire culinary experience, suggestions for suppliers, and training materials for the staff were developed.

Inspiring discussions on Guest & Employee Experience

It raises awareness about the importance of hospitality in the daily business, provides new perspectives, and motivates participants to explore new ways. In 2021 and 2022, FACETTENREICH took place on the big stage. Participants enjoyed an inspiring afternoon with insights, tips, and best practice examples for hospitality, both on-site and via live stream.

Since 2023, with FACETTENREICH/spricht, Friedreich Hospitality has been taking guests into the multifaceted world of hospitality, employee, and guest experience. Every two months, this format offers an opportunity to dive deep into our passion in small groups of up to 15 people, exploring new paths and solutions. Each edition focuses on a specific topic, and we always have a co-host for each session. We enjoy breaking our habitual thought patterns and value the different perspectives. Therefore, we place great importance on inviting a diverse group of experts and thought leaders.

Hospitality as base for a public tender

Starting at the end of 2020, an optimal hospitality experience was designed for a Vienna-based company whose existing building is set to undergo a complete renovation. After compiling the foundational elements, an analysis of the current status quo was conducted, including an assessment of the building’s functions and the existing guest journeys, as well as a trend and benchmark analysis. Simultaneously, relevant stakeholders were interviewed to incorporate their needs. Based on this, the hospitality vision for the project was outlined, and future user scenarios were created.

Building on this extensive preliminary work, measures relevant to success were designed, categorized as “Must-haves” and “Nice-to-haves,” and encapsulated in a criteria catalogue. The final product was a comprehensive concept, including moodboards and pictures to illustrate and visualize the measures, providing the basis for the renovation concept and the tender process.

Curated program with topics that the hospitality industry is talking about

Since 2020, the “Alles für den Gast” trade fair has been offering an exciting keynote and talks program – the Gastro Circle – over 4 days, covering topics that are relevant to the industry, providing inspiration, and offering tips from industry experts. As part of this project, trends and current challenges for the Gastro Circle were researched and analyzed. The topics and questions were developed and defined, and suitable speakers were selected and approached.

Friedreich Hospitality was responsible for all speaker agendas before, during, and after the event. They contributed to the planning of the stage and setting, supported the organizational team in communication, moderation coordination, and the design of the stage setting and surrounding area. On-site, Friedreich Hospitality took care of the well-being of the speakers and ensured a smooth flow of the Gastro Circle.

Employee Experience at a global industrial corporation

…The goal was to optimize the entire Employee Journey, from the application process to the departure from the company, and to strengthen hospitality towards employees. This allowed MEIKO to emotionally connect employees to the company and enhance the overall customer experience.

The foundation for the concept was laid through employee interviews, where pain points were identified. Within the concept, measures were implemented, including the creation of hospitality touchpoints, improvement of the onboarding process, definition of a recruiting process for the best possible start in the company, and the introduction of tools for internal communication.

Hospitality Moments in a law firm

The law firm Wolf Theiss hired Friedreich Hospitality to optimize the client experience. Based on an analysis of the status quo, recommendations for improvements, design possibilities, and their implementation were developed. To achieve this, a catalogue of requirements was defined, planned measures were budgeted, and moodboards were created to visualize the different designs.

Another goal was to enhance the culinary experience in the daily business and meetings and during internal as well as external events. The current food and beverage offer was adapted based on predefined parameters to select new, fitting products and partners.

Hospitality und design, that reflect authentic Austrian hospitality

…warmth, hospitality, and service orientation through a complete renovation of this floor and especially the communal areas. The project was divided into three parts: Interior and Design, the recruitment and service training of the staff, and the renewal of the culinary experience, including matching tableware.

Friedreich Hospitality ensured that these areas became spaces where hospitality was emphasized and, above all, practiced daily. The aim was for guests to remember the exceptional service experience and look forward to a potential return visit. With standardized service levels and a common standard, the project ensured that the guest experience left a lasting impression not only on the guests but also on the staff.

Preview and Employee Experience in a luxury hotel

…Friedreich Hospitality developed an inviting and cozy reception area, provided and trained temporary staff, and ensured their supervision. With simple yet effective accessories, plants, and decorations, accents were set, creating a pleasant atmosphere while always mindful of maintaining authenticity and preserving the ambiance of the construction site.

In spring 2022, Friedreich Hospitality worked on optimizing the employee experience and the application process. This included designing a multi-day recruitment event and establishing the associated registration platform and application handling with one of our partners. The entire user experience was also scrutinized, and assistance was provided in crafting guest-friendly formulations and thoroughly reviewing all content.

VIP Concept and Management in international sports elite

Starting in the fall of 2017, Friedreich Hospitality served as a hospitality consultant for FIFA, contributing to various projects. The diverse responsibilities included the development of all V/VIP areas for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, as well as the establishment of standards for hospitality and guest experience.

In the spring of 2020, comprehensive moodboards were created for the V/VIP areas for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar and all future FIFA World Cups. These concepts covered topics such as the look and feel, including all associated design elements, food and beverage arrangements, staff dress codes, and the social program. Additionally, options for the design of bars and buffets were developed, along with standards for V/VIP hotels and the FIFA Club.

Corporate Hospitality in an international corporation

The company’s overall goal was to establish a consistent corporate hospitality across the entire company and optimize the well-being for both employees and customers. After numerous conversations with employees, partners, and customers, as well as attending trade shows and events to analyze touchpoints, tailored hospitality measures were developed to enhance the overall guest experience.

With the aim of sustainably increasing customer satisfaction, potential areas for improvement were identified and subsequently implemented at various events. Friedreich Hospitality then supported the Congress and Event Management team, as well as all other departments, in implementing the developed hospitality measures – from selecting new purchases to training the team.

Creative concept with Japanese accents

…captivate and engage long-term customers, new clients, partners, and employees. The theme of the event revolved around “Discovering Japan and Experiencing Shimadzu.”

In addition to knowledge transfer through presentations, the Grand Hall of the Industrial Association in Vienna provided entertainment and a fitting atmosphere. Whether through VR glasses transporting guests virtually to Japan, a traditional tea ceremony with fresh Matcha, or Japanese martial arts – all participants were able to immerse themselves in the culture thanks to the well-tought-out elements and an atmosphere with Japanese accents.

Hospitality and creative concept for a customer event for a venue in Vienna

According to the motto “fit for the future,” Friedreich Hospitality was responsible for the hospitality concept at the AC Forum 2019 held at the Messe Wien. Friedreich Hospitality managed the communication with all partners and supported the team in planning the schedule and on-site experience. To achieve this, a color and decoration concept was developed, suitable furniture selected and an innovative room concept created to ensure participants felt comfortable and their needs were addressed optimally.

To make breaks more exceptional, various activities were offered within the Messe Wien. For lunch, a 60-meter-long table was set up, with a focus on creating the right atmosphere and selecting appropriate food and tableware. Thanks to the concept, the Messe Wien was able to present itself to its customers in the best possible way.

Hospitality management and sponsor relationship management at an international art fair

The responsibilities for the art fair viennacontemporary reached from developing social programs for VIP guests to ensuring transport and hospitality management, managing all tasks related to guest well-being. With a team of around 40 people, seamless processes and an excellent guest experience were created.

In Guest and Catering Management, Friedreich Hospitality was responsible for the design and furniture concept in collaboration with interior partners, overseeing the integration of product partners and serving as the main point of contact for all involved partners and the operations team during events at the fair. As Sponsorship Manager, Friedreich Hospitality acted as the connecting link between the organizer and sponsors, ensuring the optimal fulfillment of the needs of both parties.

Mystery visit and hospitality consultation at a hotel

A mystery visit to Hotel Liebnitzmühle marked the start of the project. During this visit, all processes, from booking to departure, the entire on-site experience, guest moments, and touchpoints with the hotel were critically examined and analyzed. These findings were documented in an analysis, highlighting potential areas for improvement and outlining a vision for the future.

In order to provide suitable suggestions for future optimizations, the second step involved extracting insights from regional competitors and benchmarks, which were taken into account during the concept development. Building upon this, all service experiences were evaluated, and corresponding training approaches were identified. Recommendations were made regarding equipment, design and decoration to ensure a comfortable atmosphere and the perfect guest experience.

Setting and guest experience at an Indian mega wedding

…a high-class wedding in Mumbai of the son of one of the most influential Indians. In addition to managing the buffet and table settings, signage, and coordination of the catering partners, a service training was developed and conducted for several thousand service staff.

Given the high-profile nature of the audience, the requirements and quality standards were set at a high level. In collaboration with other European and American service providers, an exceptional event was conceptualized and executed. Over the course of 5 days, more than 30,000 guests were catered to by 4,500 service staff, creating an atmosphere of extraordinary class.

Gastronomy and hospitality concept in the Austrian parliament

…Austrian Parliament, was developed in collaboration with a consortium of bidders. With the successful bid in December 2021, the Kelsen project in the Parliament began. Four outlets, multiple event spaces, and catering were established, leading up to the opening.

Friedreich Hospitality, in addition to developing the employee experience, played a crucial role in ensuring the guest experience for all user groups. This included aspects such as selecting the tableware, interior design, and designing pathways in coordination with the Parliament. The gastronomy outlets were officially opened in January 2023.

Support in organizing a forum for the wedding industry

The goal of the “Amour Forum” 2019 in Vienna was to bring together the global network of buyers and suppliers in the honeymoon industry. Friedreich Hospitality focused on optimizing the guest experience during the two evening events – the Love Travel Awards at the Garden Palace Liechtenstein and the Closing Party at a restaurant in the 1st district.

Together with all partners, a design and room concept was created for the party location, representing all facets of the offer. On-site, Friedreich Hospitality ensured smooth operations and placed emphasis on the subtle details that make a difference. For a pleasant atmosphere, the main focus was on the optimal lighting concept, culinary accompaniment, and the conveyance of authentic Viennese charm.

Hospitality workshop for eventmanagers

…hospitality at events without incurring significant costs. Through insights, specific examples from the hotel industry, collaborative exercises, questioning existing processes and standards, the mindset of hospitality was strengthened among all participants. This workshop established a common foundation for implementing hospitality and guest experience within the company.

The group activities designed for ISTA allowed for in-depth exploration of key areas. Participants delved into specific aspects, shared insights with colleagues, and defined initial milestones for the future. This collaborative approach ensured a comprehensive understanding of hospitality principles and laid the groundwork for their implementation within the organization.

Service training for visitor service at shopping centers

…”Hospitality: What Shopping Centers Can Learn from the Hotel Industry.” By visiting various SES Shopping Centers in Austria, different touchpoints were analyzed in advance, and insights were incorporated into the workshop. The integration of best practice examples from the hotel industry was collaboratively developed in working groups and illustrated through inspirational speeches from experts.

Following this, another workshop took place in September 2023 with SES Visitor Service Desk staff from Austria and neighboring countries. The aim was to make the concept of hospitality more experiential and understandable for them. Participants were introduced to the topic of hospitality, reinforced their understanding through exercises, and directly implemented new insights through role-playing. This approach allowed participants to better empathize with the perspectives of shop partners, suppliers, colleagues, and customers, leaving the workshop with hospitality “Quick Wins.”